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At Holybrook Primary School, we are committed to teaching our pupils to become skilled readers who develop a comprehensive understanding of words, language and texts as they move through school. They learn to read and then read to learn. Through using a range of strategies, our aim is to ensure that pupils develop a love of reading so that they can read for purpose and for pleasure.  We provide pupils with a range of strategies in order to do this.

Reception and KS1

For a child to enjoy reading, they need to be able to access texts at their level. All individual and group reading books in reception and KS1 match the pupils’ phonic knowledge, ensuring all words can be decoded. In reception and year 1, all pupils are involved in group reading sessions. When the pupils enter year 2, group reading sessions continue initially and children then move to guided reading. These sessions take place three times per week. Alongside this, all pupils have their own individual reading book. This is matched closely with the pupil’s phonic knowledge and is taken home every evening. Additionally, children take home a library book each week and are expected to access bug club, where teachers have set books for children to read, closely matched to their reading ability.

English units in KS1 are focused on an engaging high-quality text which is an appropriate vehicle for effective teaching reading skills, developing pupils’ love of reading as well as developing children’s ideas and imagination for writing.


In KS2 English units are centred around a high-quality, inspiring text chosen by the class teacher, where possible linking closely with the overarching topic within their class. Within English units specific reading skills are explicitly taught and practised. The text is used as the driver for developing wider subject knowledge and vocabulary as well as being used as a vehicle for writing.

All children in KS2 participate in a guided reading session weekly.  Guided reading sessions teach children fluency and comprehensions skills.  Reading skills are explicitly taught and modelled and children then practise and apply these reading skills within the session.  Texts are selected to match the children’s reading ability, interest level and conceptual knowledge with a range of genres and length of texts being used.

All pupils in KS2 take home a library book each week and access Accelerated Reader, where Children are guided to read a wide range of genres and text types in lessons and when reading for pleasure, including picture books, newspapers, fliers, poetry and fiction and non-fiction books.

Additionally, children have regular weekly session dedicated to reading for pleasure where children can really take their time to become engrossed in a text and develop their enjoyment of reading and engaging with a range of texts which interest them.  These focus on personal and social reading opportunities.

Useful website links:


Accelerated Reader:
