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Relationships & Health Education

At Holybrook, we believe that Relationships and Health Education (RHE) and Sex Education is central to preparing children for the next stage of their lives.

RHE and Sex Education is mainly delivered through PHSE lessons though learning objectives sometimes overlap into other subject areas.

Relationships Education:  Pupils will learn about what makes healthy, safe and trusting relationships, focusing on family and friendships. This will include online relationships, and how to seek help if they feel unsafe. They will learn to challenge gender stereotypes and other types of discrimination.

Sex Education: Children will learn about why their bodies are changing during in puberty in relation to human reproduction. This includes how babies are made and the role of parents in caring for babies. Teaching will be delivered in an age-appropriate way.

Health Education:  This complements and is supported by our approach to help children to understand the importance of and how to lead healthy lifestyles through physical education, food technology, science, sport and extra-curricular activities.

At Holybrook, Relationships and Health Education (RHE) is taught in Years 2, 4 and 6 though elements of it may be taught in other year groups and in other subjects in the wider Holybrook Curriculum.

Relationships and Health Education is statutory, which means that all children must learn about it, and covers the following themes:

  • Families and people who care for me
  • Caring friendships
  • Respectful relationships
  • Online relationships
  • Being safe

Sex Education is not statutory, though Holybrook has decided to teach this in an age-appropriate way in order to meet the needs of its community. However, parents can withdraw their children from Sex Education lessons if they wish, though children will remain in class for RHE lessons. Teachers will always inform parents when a unit of work which includes Sex Education is about to commence so parents have time to make a decision about this.

Please see the overview below of our RHE and Sex Education coverage in Years 2, 4 and 6. Our policy can be found on the Policies Page.